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Old 03-15-2024, 06:04 AM
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Help needed on landing gear

Hi everyone i have completed one of my first models but whenever i glued the landing gear it will not sit it just bends to the side and doesnt stay upright . I have tried to put a toothpick inside the gear column but same problem. Any tips?
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Old 03-15-2024, 07:50 AM
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Without seeing it, I would guess that it is the attachment to the model. What model are you building? If you use the Go Advanced button under the Quick Reply window, you can use the paperclip to attach a photo of what is going on
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Old 03-15-2024, 11:48 AM
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Help needed on landing gear

Im building murphs models avenger and p-51 fg. Ive attached the landing gear images.they just simply buckle under the weight when i set them down
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Old 03-15-2024, 01:41 PM
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what it looks like is you are just gluing it to the surface of the wing. what needs to happen is for the toothpic or other firm object, floral wire, plastic to pierce thru the surface of the wing you're trying to glue to. be careful you don't go too far and come thru the top surface of the wing.
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Old 03-15-2024, 08:24 PM
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The Avenger was designed to have a full landing gear bay for the main gear to attach to.
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Old 03-15-2024, 10:06 PM
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Thank you for your replies. Mr murph i admire your models theyre excellent for beginners a natural step from fg. I omitted the landing gear bay step but seems like i need to do it for the avenger. It has happened on a few other models usually in larger scale including ones without a gear well so i will try the toothpick tip properly this time and give an update thanks
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Old 03-16-2024, 05:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Vidious View Post
Hi everyone i have completed one of my first models but whenever i glued the landing gear it will not sit it just bends to the side and doesnt stay upright . I have tried to put a toothpick inside the gear column but same problem. Any tips?
I love seeing the work of a new builder! This brings back great memories! I wish I had kept the first models that I built. This is great feedback for designers to understand the challenges, and what can be done, or just explained, to make it easier to get into this hobby.

I have found that, if I am going to attach landing gear to the wing surface, that if I glue a couple of layers of cardstock on the inside surface of the wing it will give the added strength to hold the landing gear. Usually a 1-inch x 1-inch piece of extra cardstock is enough.
-Jim G
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Old 03-16-2024, 10:41 AM
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Should also point out that the gears on that Mustang should be positioned further out at the thin ends of the printed gear bay doors. This might go some way to solving your issue in itself. I usually strengthen my gear struts with wire and as others have suggested, attach it inside the wing. With most paper models, the weight is slight enough that the actual legs and wheels don't need to be super strong (maybe large airliners need a bit of help), it's more the amount of surface contact with the model.

What I'd recommend as you've already closed up the wings is to carefully make a hole in the lower surface where the legs will go and attach a stiff piece of card or a blunt ended toothpick that is a bit longer than the gear leg to it, and glue that to the inside of the top wing skin. That way you'll have two contact points and it will be more stable. Whilst the glue dries either put the model upside down or stand it on something other than the wheels.
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landing gear

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