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Old 10-02-2023, 10:49 PM
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Touring the 2022 International PaperModeler's Convention (IMPC)

Before the tour…

The Twenty-fourth International PaperModelers Convention was an event of effort to renew fellowship and commitment to the art of papermodeling; despite the persistent concerns of Covid that had closed so much down. Held in the same location, of Sterling Virginia, the convention was bigger than the year before and promised for an enthusiastic celebration of the 25th Convention in 2023. It was well represented with many exhibits and many representatives, sharing their art and their skills.

I had written a walk-thru of the 2022 event, after several years of attending. It had been my hope that a personal review, with details from the demonstration artists, might stir up interest and investment for a hobby and art form that is diminishing in number, and aging out in participation. I believe that papermodeling is a craft and art form, that is affordable for many, and valuable in encouraging participation. I also believe, for direct observation, how young people benefit from building things with their own hands; as opposed to being passively entertained by preprogrammed algorithms. Furthermore, papermodeling can be used effectively in teaching, therapeutic intervention, and even management training.

The first thread, presented in the months after the 2021 Convention, was well received, and more importantly, well supported by persons more knowledgeable than I over the craft and the lessons of how to master the skills that the exercise requires (see that years thread: The 2021 International Paper Modeler's Convention Visit in Pictures and Words ). My plan was to repeat the effort, to further the awareness of the event, and to further connecting newbies, novices, and senior artists who have shown their willinness to mentor others in the craft.

Then life happened…

I changed jobs within a week after the 2022 convention. My new position offers not only a chance to continue to serve others, in a worthwhile venture, but to spread the service through a model that can be duplicated beyond my local impact. As John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens to you when you are making other plans…”

Never the less, I saved my photographs, interviews, and notes, preserved for the plan to launch the thread; each month, a plan for the next month. After a while, I just decided that it was too old of an effort to be valued.

Then some of you happened…

I must extend thanks to those of this forum who sent me repeated messages, requesting I publish the thread. I wish to thank as well, those “lurkers” who are not members of the forum, but sent me emails to the same extent.

So, in the weeks before the 25th IPMC, in Sterling VA, I present a review of the 2022, 24th Annual Convention. I wish I could say that this was a clever plan to promote interest and excitement, at the last mute, as that would really sound clever, but the truth is, I had been well-guilted, and deservedly so, to offer one last effort to provide this thread; a walking tour of the 24th Annual Convention, and the personalities and models, that made that event so worthwhile.

A last thanks to Peter Ansoff for helping me track some confusion in the second room, regarding presenters and their kits. Due to challenges with the presentations, his help facilitated some signage issues…

So if this review and tour excites some last minute attendance, just keep the secret of how the thread wound up presented so late in the game. Please tell everyone that it was a brilliant marketing plan, to offer last minute promotion. I’ll keep it a secret, if you will.
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Old 10-02-2023, 10:54 PM
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The night before the convention, a buffet is traditionally held as a meet & greet. The next day, participants presented their skill and their displays in three reserved rooms, upon demonstration tables. At the end of the event, a dinner is provided, for a membership fee, where participants gather to share fellowship, swap stories, and participate in a traditional auction of paper models to raise funds for the next event. Some years, a Sunday gathering of old friends can take them from Burger King to the wheels of a Space Shuttle…but more about that at a later time…
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Old 10-02-2023, 11:02 PM
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Convention Day

As in years past, I was unable to attend the evening meet-&-greet the night before. My schedule rarely permits such luxury, but I have tried to attend every convention day I could over the last few years.

Entering the convention involves passing through a door into the first chamber; traditionally greeted by Peter Ansoff himself at the reception table. It is appropriate, therefore, that the first modes presented are displayed by the organizer of the last several year’s events.

Peter’s table rests along side a series of tables that provide displays of several presenters; often in a ring or horseshoe shape, permitting a tour around the room to see everything. Last year, and this year, a special table sits at one end of the room, presenting an important subject.
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Old 10-02-2023, 11:13 PM
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Memorial table

At the one end of the room has been posted a table for important subjects. It calls to mind those who have affected us personally or who have influenced the craft of papermodeling. Sometimes the table represents both.

Last year there was a tribute to the brilliant and talented Alan Rose. Please see the 2021 Thread for more details of that exhibit ( The 2021 International Paper Modeler's Convention Visit in Pictures and Words ). That excellent exhibit displayed a number of valuable pieces from Rose’s works, included early drawings, exhibits of many of his kits (including the long-hunted DC-3 kit!), and publishing plates of his many works. The brilliant and skilled architect that Rose was, he was skilled in both design and the choice of interesting subjects, and he has an unusual ability to develop effective instructions. This skill promoted papermodeling back, decades ago, before computer technology permitted ease of access.

Rose was again and a pioneer in our craft. The table, for 2022, was again unmanned, but this year it stood to remind us of the more recent and personal loss that we all had experienced recently.

This year, a touching memorial to Rick Steffers. For those of you who didn’t know Rick, he was a skilled builder and promoter; impacting us all on this site ( see thread: Passing of Rick Steffers ). Rick was known as a gentleman and a supporter of the craft, through many contributions to it. He was not only a web-contributor; providing access to many to learn this craft, but even participated personally, providing photographs for the IMPC. Rick passed last year, leaving many saddened and feeling a loss for his leadership and presence.

Of Rick, I can attest that he was polite, professional, and friendly in all correspondence. We lost a real asset to papermodeling and to fellowship.

Before proceeding with the tour, I want to pause to provide anyone who wishes to recognize Rick the chance to do so now…feel free to share and enlighten members at who Rick was and how he made our assembly valuable...
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Last edited by THE DC; 10-02-2023 at 11:27 PM. Reason: thread link failing
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Old 10-03-2023, 06:57 AM
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Rick was THE ambassador of paper modeling in the US through his administration of this forum, his broad depth of knowledge of the papermodeling subject, and his excited participation in and promotion of as many paper modeling events as he was able to attend.

Many of us who interacted with him in person and online considered him our friend.

In dry dock: 1909 Mauretania, In factory: ? In hanger: Fokker triplanes? under construction: ?
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Old 10-03-2023, 09:33 PM
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First Room

The first table, when entering the reception area, is presented by Peter Ansoff. Peter is organizer of the convention and a skilled builder. Unfortunately, I was unable to catch him at his table, but I did take some photos of the models that he provided…

I did run by several times but never caught him alone. I will say that he was very helpful in clearing up confusion regarding the preparations for this thread, as signage in the second room (soon to be of legendary infamy) made tracking the different presentations difficult. Thanks Pete!

Peter and I have discussed for several years my presenting information how to use paper models for educational, even therapeutic, intervention, but we have never gotten coordinated on the idea. He has always been very hospitable toward me.

Picture 1: Record’s Peter’s table, with the man in question greeting new arrivals. I was not able to catch him to get his contributions through his table, but he is welcomed to post any clarifications or observations here, if desired.

Picture 2: The Empire State Building was initially intended to be a airship dock, an issue I covered in my thread last year ( The 2021 International Paper Modeler's Convention Visit in Pictures and Words ). Peter had docked a conceptual airship (maybe a Currell site model?) of the period, as it would have looked, had the wind shear and other challenges not discouraged the never-reached-goal od tower docking. The connection of the airship model to the top of the Empire State Building Model (Fiddler’s Green version, I think) was well done, presenting the illusion that the airship is, well, lighter than air!

Picture 3: Depicts his 1/24 scale steam engine. Nice kit with very shiney-black-finished parts.

Picture 4: Records his 1/50 Spirit of St. Louis; the famous plane that crossed the ocean and into history. I do not recall the printer of the kit, but given the Model T near it, I suspect this a kit that is widely available in a published booklet (a Zorn kit?).

Picture 5: After leaving the check-out table, I proceeded to the opposite side of the first table, near the exit door, to start my lap around the center tables, enabling the visitation of the four first exhibitors that lead up to the reception table...(note the memorial to Rick at the far wall)...
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Old 10-04-2023, 11:16 AM
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Jack Collins

Some people are described as having character; Jack Collins is one! This affable, talented personality greets you with charm and a warm presence. Jack exudes a friendly presence, even as his skill in papermodeling is indisputable.

Jack is a fixture in the community; a long time member, a recognized skilled builder, and with his uniquely identifiable hats, the renown auctioneer of the kits donated to raise funds at the conference dinner each year. Rumor has it that many people bid not for the kits, but to see what antics jack will do to coax another bid…(I’ve never seen this auction myself, but the rumors are strong that his personality is a primary component of the fun).

Jack’s table displayed a series of extremely detailed ship models; some over 3 feet long. The ships represented span from early steam driven, White Navy vessels of the turn of the 20th century, to modern fictional depictions of fantasy submarines.

The builds are large, detailed, and they are well finished. There are no gaps, not white edges, and no fit issues. These are museum-quality constructions.

Picture 1: Illusrates the main room from the angle that would follow my tour; from one end, near the exit doors, around the ring, to permit a circumnavigation of the room. Jack Collins Table is the first…

Picture 2: Jack sitting near his collection of ships…

Picture 3: Another picture of Jack sitting near his collection of ships, permitting scale perception…
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Old 10-04-2023, 11:19 AM
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Jack's exhibit continued...

Jack was quick to show off a Japanese movie concept ship, from what he described as Atragon; which in the storyline, had jet-propelled torpedos and a bow blade that could dig through the Earth. His 1858 steamship Winans depicts the actual ship, built in Baltimore, with two engines (one fore, the other aft), with the vessel’s weak point at the center. The design led to moving from impellers to propellers.

Picture 4: One of Jack’s Japanese anime submarines…

Picture 5: A close up of the interior detail of this cut-away vessel build…

Picture 6: The other side of the cut-away model, showing the exterior…

Picture 7: A close-up of the detailed blade and engine…

Picture 8: An even more close-up of the engine…
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Old 10-04-2023, 11:21 AM
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Jack's exhibit; further continued...

We discussed his White Ship, of the later 19th century, with a full sized preserved vessel docked in Philly (I have toured the real one; a genuine transition vessel from artful carved wooden trim to functional metal).

Jack provided some build tips for those beginning:
Use thinner paper for gun barrels, for easy rolling; color the edges with oil paint; he also notes that water colors wont warp the paper, though he suggests using ater colored pencils, as they are better than regular pencils for easier use and better coverage of white trim pieces.

He also suggested the effective use of laminating cardstock for structure and stability; even rolling it until layers peel free.

When asked why he came to the IPMC every year, he said the event was a mini-vacation for him; even a place to practice his silver sax, which he displayed with pride (teasing me, as my efforts upon the ax have been abandoned due to time…a reason this Thread was delayed!!!).

Picture 9: Jack’s hand for the scaling of the size of this one part…

Picture 10: A conceptual test hull of a submarine-steamer…

Picture 11: A WWII ship, with considerable detail…

Picture 12: The same build’s detailed deck guns…

Picture 13: A different close-up of the detailed deck features…

Picture 14: Jack’s silver Ax!
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Old 10-04-2023, 06:17 PM
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William Kastenmeier' exhibit

William Kastenmeier is a friendly fellow with a quiet, yet personable, disposition. He is eager to encourage and help others in the skill of papermodeling. His exhibit is a varied collection of kits from very different sources. Represented are science fiction icons, unusual buildings, classic cars, varied sea vessels, and even a T.V. (made of paper). His builds are very clean, with well-mated edges and no signs of white edges, firm joints, and solid-looking long-edges.

Picture 1: Mr. Kastenmeier’s table, with the builder and designer sitting behind the exhibit.

Picture 2: His War of the Worlds, Martian walker…

Picture 3: Micromodels little Aldgate, Shakesphere’s birthplace, Gerry Anderson’s Stingray, the Pharoe’s Lighthouse, and the U.S.S. Olympia (which he designed). Note how clean the builds are…

Picture 4: The Victorian Boilerplate…

Picture 5: The Artic Schooner, a real cellphone (not paper), providing scale, John Stevens locomotive, and the 1911 Marmon Wasp. The Sparrowhawk is also pictured (an original design) behind the locomotive…
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2022, 24th, impc

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