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Old 03-24-2024, 12:51 PM
rjccjr rjccjr is offline
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old stuff update

Hi All;

Here is an adventure about things that go wrong, then more wrong, then, Aaargh and you hit that throw it against the wall moment. How many of you have had one of these days? The model is an Accurate Miniatures, 1/48 scale TBF Avenger, which was built in the early 1990s. It was an excellent kit and a joy to build. It was expected that due to age the glue would have crystalized and fragile parts would be brittle.

Photo 1r shows the model dirty and dusty, but intact. Photo 2r shows the cockpit area, dusty but not as bad as some of the other models. Photo 3r shows the bottom with bay open and bombs in the rack. Notice the loose entry door in the upper right. The model was dusted off with brushes. It looked pretty decent, and I thought it could do with a bath in warm water and a couple of drops of hand soap. Photo 4r shows it drying off, still looking pretty decent. Photo 5r shows a well detailed engine. Then the storm hit.

The decals had brownish tarnish from old decal set. So a the areas were cleaned with cotton swabs and alcohol. The alcohol did remove the tarnish, but it also ate through the decals, shattering them and drying with a white chalky residue. Photo 6r shows the missing fragmented decal and the residue on the fuselage. Then the rudder hinges and the tail wheel let go. Photo 7r shows the residue on the wing, but the decal is intact.

Ok. Let's think about this. Can the situation be saved? The paint was really hard by now, perhaps it would be hard enough to survive, if the area around the decal was swabbed with mineral spirits and quickly wiped dry. Photo 8r shows the solution. Photo 9r shows the mess on the starboard fuselage, but 10r shows that the port side cleaned up. OK, now we wait to come up with decal replacements for the fuselage and take some time reattaching the fallen parts. The wall can wait, at least for now.

Regards rjccjr
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Old 03-25-2024, 09:50 AM
rjccjr rjccjr is offline
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old stuff update

Ho all,

The TBF is all back together, just waiting for decals and an antenna wire. See photos 1r and 2r. Now, here is a real old stuff. Take a guess. What the heck are 3,4 and 5r?
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Old 03-25-2024, 11:26 AM
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Photos 3, 4, 5 look like an antique Aurora model of a submarine. Thought I saw one like it on Ebay last year. But I could be mistaken.

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Old 03-26-2024, 09:44 AM
rjccjr rjccjr is offline
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Hi All;

It isn't Aurora, but you are looking in the right era. It dates to the 1960s and is a product of a another well known plastic model company. Actually, it was stored away in a drawer. I was looking for some electrical parts and stumbled across it after years of being forgotten. The contacts are clean and it might possibly work, but at age 86, I'm not about to risk electrocution.

Regards, rjccjr
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Old 04-03-2024, 03:29 PM
rjccjr rjccjr is offline
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old stuff update

Hi All;

First, that odd thing that looks like an early submarine is a Revell #H404 ship motorizing kit. While in Germany in 1964, I built a Wilhelmshavnener Bismark and Prinz Eugen, both 1/250th card models. After coming home in 1965, I came across this and thought it might work on them.They were over sprayed with clear varnish and an attachment for the motor was glued to the bottom of both. It did work, sort of. Both would cruise majestically on local ponds and pools, until the slightest breeze came along and the mighty vessels suddenly shot sideways. Oh well. Nothing ventured, nothing learned.

After dealing with the Grumman Avenger, the next two aircraft in the cleaning order were a Fujimi Hellcat and a Tamiya Corsair. Photo 1r shows all three aircraft. Notice the vibrancy of color after the Avenger was cleaned. Photos 2r and 3r show a very grubby F6F. Photo 4r shows the F6F cleaned, but the F4U has more antennae than it should have. Photo 5r shows the underneath of the Hellcat. It's slightly weathered. Notice the exhaust and gun residue. Although the paint is pretty intact the Insignia is badly discolored. Until now, the only thing that will help get rid of the discoloration from old decal adhesive seems to be alcohol. Perhaps a fifty -fifty dilution with water will do it without destroying the decal. Photo 6r shows a clean Hellcat beside the Avenger. In photo 7r you can see the bottom of the Corsair. The decal appears more or less intact. Photo 8r shows the cleaned up F4U. When the model was built, the antenna wire was a strand of from my wife's old discarded panty hose. The insulators were beads of white glue. The wire stubbornly holds onto the fuzz. The forward antenna mast broke in the middle. Got the mast back on, but addressing the fuzz issue is a leave well enough alone situation. 9r shows the antenna back on the avenger. The decal issue remains to be addressed. The last shot is all three aircraft refurbished as best that can be done for the moment. Now, to scrounge up a few decals. Obviously these are not competition models, but they still look presentable. One of these days, I'll have to clean the shelf.

Regards, rjccjr
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Old 04-14-2024, 01:47 PM
rjccjr rjccjr is offline
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old stuff update

HI All;

Here is a Classic Airframes 1/48 scale Lockheed Hudson MkIII, built around 2002. It was an expensive kit at the time, but the Hudson was a favorite aircraft when I was a kid during World War II. One thing about Classic Airframes it that their subject choices were pretty interesting aircraft. The price paid then, was around fifty five dollars, blew my allowance for that month. Looking at the prices today, shows a range from $160 to over $200, which is decidedly beyond the allowance of a retired old goat. I've gone over to the white side anyway.

It was a difficult build. The tremors were just manifesting themselves and had not yet been diagnosed. All I knew was that suddenly parts were not going where they were supposed to, neither was the glue and painting was much more difficult than it used to be. Very disconcerting, not to mention somewhat scary. Shortly afterward came the first visit with a neurologist and the good news was that it wasn't Parkinson's. The tremors were treatable up to a point, but not curable. 2002 was a bad year. There was prostate cancer to deal with, just about the same time. One just has to learn to cope with the curve balls in life and get on with it out of sheer stubbornness.

The kit was short run injection molded with resin interior parts. The clear parts were transparent enough, but no two of the many side windows were quite the same shape and the nose section was slightly narrower than the main fuselage. Considerable filling, filling and sanding were called for. The kit was accurate in dimension and well detailed, far superior to the old 1/72 Airfix effort. The paint job was green and olive drab, with light gray below. Having spent six years around tanks, it was very clear that olive drab had some considerable variation due to the particular batch of paint and weathering. Sometimes it was greenish and other times it had a distinctly red brown hue. The "Dark Earth" paint used at Burbank was American paint and was of the brownish variety. It didn't play well with sunlight and high temperatures.

Photo 1r is a side view after the model was cleaned up and reassembled. The plastic in this kit is rather unusual in that it got very brittle over the years and thin parts fractured in the darndest places. For one thing the tail wheel failed at the glue joint. The fix was to drill down into the strut into the wheel. Then drill into the fuselage, slide a common pin into the wheel, clip it and attach it to the fuselage. Of course a small ring of the strut fractured during the drill work. Well you just keep drilling until it was finished and then reassemble it all. As you can see in the photo, it worked. Photo 2r is the front from above. The completed model was sprayed with Krylon semi-matte finish to hold the decals and hide the glue spots. Photo 3r gives a decent view of the antenna, which was very fine gray thread. The insulator beads were built up layers of white glue applied with the tip of a teriyaki skewer. Photo 4r shows the port side. The antenna mast snapped at mid length, but was semi-successfully reattached. Same for the pitot tube under the nose. The last two pictures are frontal to show the crisp definition of the engine detail. Even after twenty two years, if you come across this kit at a decent price, this model is a worthy challenge.

Regards, rjccjr
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Old 04-21-2024, 02:08 PM
rjccjr rjccjr is offline
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old stuff update

Hi All;

Here is a Hasegawa Hawker Typhoon MK1B built around 1991 or so. There is something about the early typhoon with the car door entry that makes the machine appear brutish. Originally intended to be a high altitude successor to the Hurricane, it was beset with numerous technical problems. After these were partially overcome the aircraft evolved into a devastating ground attack aircraft. At low altitude it was able to deal with the Focke-Wulf 190 quite handily. The four twenty millimeter cannon were a very effective

The model had not been cleaned for years and photo 1r shows it. Photo 2r shows the entry door open, before clean up. By now, I'm pretty used to part joint failure and parts separating during cleaning. The wheels separated from the axles when the model was removed from its base. Frustrating, but fixable. Photo 3r shows the details of the underneath. The details were highlighted using the wiped ink method. Photo 4r shows the model after the dust and dirt removal. The real aircraft had a nasty habit of losing its tail during high speed maneuvers. Through the paint of the fuselage band you can just make out the stiffeners used cure the problem. The model can use a second go of cleaning before reassembly and return to the shelf. It was an accurate kit and the build was pretty straight forward, producing an pleasing replica.

Regards rjccjr
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Old 04-21-2024, 05:26 PM
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Another beautiful restoration.

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Old 04-28-2024, 02:42 PM
rjccjr rjccjr is offline
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old stuff update

Hi All;

The Typhoon finally got put back together, and actually had the antenna replaced. Photo 01r shows the door reattached, the model back on its landing gear and the new antenna. Thirty or so years back, I got sick and tired of contest judges picking up models to see what the underneath looked like and damaging them in the process. So, they were glued down to a base for ease of handling. The Typhoon is glued to an old plaque with the finery removed. Actually the model is in better shape than the base. Photo 02r is taken too close to focus properly, but it shows the detail of that big intake below the spinner. Photo 03r shows the cleaned up Typhoon ready to go back on the shelf. In order to take it down, a 1/72 A6M model 21 had to be removed first.

That little Zero has a story. One day, while looking at a case full of assorted expensive die cast aircraft, I noticed this little zero with a missing canopy. The proprietor offered it for five bucks, because he would never sell it in that condition. Having a huge assortment of spare parts at home, it seemed like a good deal, because it was an easy fix. Normally, I wouldn't purchase one of those models at its retail price. They were well enough produced, with accurate dimensions and markings. But the casting process produced out of scale trenches for panel markings, enhanced by black paint. At that scale it didn't look at all realistic. Picture 04r shows the trenches. 05r shows the ill tailored forward wind screen replacement. It could be adjusted, but really wasn't worth the effort. The last photo shows the front of the model, nicely aligned and crisply detailed. One thing, that little Zero weighs a ton. If you dropped it on your toes, the model wouldn't break but your toes very well might.

Regards, rjccjr
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Old 05-05-2024, 10:30 AM
rjccjr rjccjr is offline
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old stuff update

Hi All;

The design and techniques used for card models actually came from the same process used in plastic models. Here is the first completely scratch built model in styrene plastic, The USS Indianapolis in 1/295 scale. The odd scale was used because the plan was drawn from illustrations in the old Warship Profile #28, which just happened to measure out to that scale. Subsequent models of USS Helena and Lexington were done in the same scale. Back in 1974, when the project was started, there was no such thing as the internet and the primary sources were books and photos. The Warship monographs were a whole new thing. Everything except the anchor chain is styrene sheet and stretched sprue.

Photo 1r is an overall view of the port side. The ocean is a painting on a "Masonite" board. The case was from discarded sailing ship turned on its side, with a back panel screwed into the "Lucite" case. Photo 2r is a starboard view. You can see two torpedoes just about to hit the ship. It must have been a pretty good build and a dramatic presentation because the model won second place at IPMS Noreastcon VII in 1976. Photo 3r is a closer view. Back then I was just getting used to using an airbrush. Photo 4r shows the crane, catapult and SC-2 Seahawk. Photo 5r shows the stern area. the life rafts were made by carefully heating a thick piece of heated sprue over a candle flame and bending it into shape, then cooling it in water, and gluing the joint. Photo 6r shows the forecastle area. The railings were made by inserting sprue posts into pre-drilled holes and stringing them with finely stretched sprue. The deck planking was simulated by using a steel ruler and scribing the planks with the back of a number eleven knife blade. The last photo shows the effects of age on stretched sprue. Hardly any of the antennas and rigging are straight any more. Even the SK radar antenna is made of sprue. In those days there was no such thing as photo etching. Even after forty eight years, it is still an eye catching model. There is a lot of reflection from the case, but I don't dare remove the model after all these years.

Regards rjccjr
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