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Old 10-12-2024, 03:34 PM
Siwi Siwi is online now
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Guess it's just the preference of the designer. Waterline is easier to build of course since you have a stable surface to glue things building up. It's also easier to design than the compound curves of a full hull, especially with more modern subjects that have a bulbous bow, bow thrusters, etc. Nice to have a choice though.
Designs trains at Flat White Papercraft. Currently under construction: Chinese building; CCS Tiger Moth; JSC barkentine 'Pogoria'
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Old 10-13-2024, 07:33 AM
Petestein Petestein is offline
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Originally Posted by Siwi View Post
Guess it's just the preference of the designer. Waterline is easier to build of course since you have a stable surface to glue things building up. It's also easier to design than the compound curves of a full hull, especially with more modern subjects that have a bulbous bow, bow thrusters, etc. Nice to have a choice though.
No doubt waterline ships are easier to design and build. But I think the solution I mentioned before is to provide both versions, waterline and full hull. This is a simple sway to allow more modelers to decide which type of model they want. I do appreciate this very much on several Polish Maly Modelarz models. Some years ago I built the famous Potemkin battleship to accompany a meeting we had to show and discuss one of the best movies ever made: "Battleship Potemkin" by Sergei Eisenstein, a masterpiece of silent movies and for many, the best movie ever made. The MM model is extremely accurate, yet simple enough to be constructed by the average modeler. Naturally, I made mine in full hull. And I sold it so I have to make another!!.
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Old 10-19-2024, 11:33 AM
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Boat deck progress (as of so far)

Thanks, Pete. Regarding the full-hull thing, it mainly comes down to the preference of the modeller as well as his skill level. Especially considering that JSC mainly does waterline stuff (the only full-hull model I've seen from it is its Willift Eagle) and my own skill level, I don't think I'll buy a Fly Model or GPM ship kit anytime soon to make up for that :p

I do agree that it's best to have a bit of both worlds, though.

Here's the progress for this week. Heeding the advice from the manufacturer not to attach the it to the rest of the ship straight away because of the rigging (whereby I may include it), I built the boat deck and its superstructure separately from it. Additionally, I have decided to leave out the smaller ventilators until later in the build.
Attached Thumbnails
JSC Titanic, 1:400-img_20241016_174451909_hdr.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20241016_103116.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20241016_103124.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20241017_182914.jpg  

Currently working on: WAK 1:33 Wilk, A whole bunch of JSC stuff
Designing: AMX-10M, MIM-72 Chaparral, Blohm & Voss P 214
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Old 01-15-2025, 05:29 PM
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Post Update

After a couple of months, here's a report on how things are for the model!

A few days after my last post, I decided against adding the rigging onto the model, and glued the funnels on straight away. Not being used to such detailing, I thought that was the best course of action to take (though it would level up the model to a high extent).

From there on out, there was slow, sporadic progress on the model as a whole. The cargo hatches and bases of the cranes were attached during mid November, following that in early December the promenade sides were assembled and the boat deck was attached to the rest of the model. After much dry-fitting the sides were finally attached a couple of weeks ago.

Unfortunately this exposed some bad pre-planning with attaching the prior decks, mainly poor fitting. This was prominent in the aft section, where the decks were positioned too high and even pressing them down so the sides could align wasn't enough. Nonetheless, after some adjustment, it has mostly been amended. (damnit i forgot to glue that front part of the model)

Over this period of time the condition of the model deteriorated slightly, with most minor parts going missing (this can easily be resolved by contacting JSC for spare parts ) but otherwise it looks decent enough to continue progress on it.

There's a chance I may do the cranes, finish up the bow details and do most minor details but seeing the current state of things that may be unlikely.

Photos are shown in a chronological order. The first photo was taken on 31 October, second and third ones on 24 November, fourth and fifth ones taken on 9 January

Edit: For some reason the photos did not send through first time I posted them. I wonder why...?
Attached Thumbnails
JSC Titanic, 1:400-20241031_133409.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20241124_211355.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20241124_211307.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20250109_224329.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20250109_224411.jpg  


Currently working on: WAK 1:33 Wilk, A whole bunch of JSC stuff
Designing: AMX-10M, MIM-72 Chaparral, Blohm & Voss P 214

Last edited by SungKhongGiat 82; 01-16-2025 at 04:32 AM.
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Old 01-15-2025, 11:27 PM
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Very nice progress, I was wondering when you might post again. Maybe I will try this model in the future.
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Old 02-05-2025, 01:25 PM
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SungKhongGiat 82 SungKhongGiat 82 is offline
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Thank you for your patience, Shipbuild. I greatly appreciate it!

In the time I was absent from this forum, I got on with the cranes, the cowlings 234-246, some smaller parts and got the spare parts I needed. Unfortunately some more problems came afoot, including a few more parts vanishing, a piece of part 219 breaking off whilst cutting it and the print quality of the spare parts being substandard.

I might begin progress on the lifeboat davits, some more of the cowlings (221-232) and perhaps the funnel details (214-218) on Friday.
Attached Thumbnails
JSC Titanic, 1:400-20250127_230313.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20250129_165005.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20250201_194720.jpg   JSC Titanic, 1:400-20250205_191037.jpg  

Currently working on: WAK 1:33 Wilk, A whole bunch of JSC stuff
Designing: AMX-10M, MIM-72 Chaparral, Blohm & Voss P 214
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