Originally Posted by PAPERFC
I have used several PDF editor to repaint templates.Although they can edit templates,none of them seems to be very inefficient.I promise I will ask the original author and follow the regulations before releasing them.
How do you map your new paint scheme onto the model template? In other words, to get all of the lettering and stripes shaped so that they align correctly when the model is folded to shape. Do you do it all freehand by dumb luck/trial and error or is there a more sophisticated way to do it?
And would paper modeling be a feasible way to make aircraft types or paint schemes that aren't available in diecast? I would love to add some DC9-10s to my collection but the only ones in 1:400 are on a very old first-generation Aeroclassics mold that is not up to the visual standards of what is being done today.