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Old 10-11-2022, 07:50 AM
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Windows Issues - Win10 & 11

I post on a couple of tech support forums, but I also wanted to get some real world advice from people I know and respect.
People like me who may struggle with the same issues.

I've been on Windows 10(upgrade) for about a year now...surviving.
This past week, I've had to deal with some computer issues, which eventually led to me buying a new Motherboard and CPU,
and swapping around some harddrives.
Of course, I had to do a fresh install of Win 10, so it thankfully cleaned up a lot of Windows issues too.

Anyway, I'm currently working on two Windows issues/fixes.

The first happened today, when my PC asked me about upgrading to Win 11.
I guess it had gone ahead and downloaded the update and was ready to install.
Something I don't want.

I've already heard a lot of negative things about Win 11 and those who have installed it, have quickly rolled back to Win 10.
I also hate the Windows nags...something I thought we got rid of years ago!

So anyway, I tried the method (notepad file attached below) which I found on the Microsoft Community Forums,
and it worked perfectly to stop the attempt to upgrade to Win 11
and removed the nag icon in my lower right task bar.


My other issue is a long standing one:
stopping the Sign-In step on boot up of my PC.
Like many, I am the only one with access to this computer, and I hate having to sign in every time I use it.

I've tried every method available (that I know of) and nothing works.
Has anyone else found a successful way of stopping this?

Windows - Settings - Acounts - Sign In Options ...
- you can choose to have alternate sign in options (other than your Microsoft Account credentials)
- you can choose whether you have to sign in to you MS Acct after any time period.
Neither of these work to fix my problem.

I've also tried the Run-netplwiz steps, which takes you to User Account controls.
Supposedly you can uncheck the sign-in.
Unfortunately I see no option to turn off the Sign In steps.

Anyone got a fix for this that works?
Attached Files
File Type: txt stop win 11 update.txt (1.3 KB, 9 views)
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Old 10-11-2022, 08:03 AM
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I can assist if you can wait till after 6pm est.

p.m. me and ill give you my contact info.
Duke Out!
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Old 10-11-2022, 08:20 AM
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Thanks surfduke.

Maybe others can benefit from the help?
Thats why I posted publicly.
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Old 10-12-2022, 10:27 PM
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Hi Dave,

Got tired of the updates that 10 does.

Edge is part of the problem.

Found a write up on how to take care of both. You have to dig deep into different areas, but my computer works much better with the updates turned off and edge as removed as possible, Edge was the hardest to deal with, several steps to get it shut down. You will never get rid of edge, but you can remove enough of it that it doesn't hijack your browser of choice.

At work, upgraded to word/excell 2016. Guess they might work on cell phone, neither works on a computer. Can't right click to print anymore, word: good luck finding any tools. Have to click 5-times to print anything if you can find the path.

They have finally verified that nothing they put out anymore is for a computer, cell phone maybe.

Open Office is a much better choice. Easy to use. Does more than word, excell, or outlook. And its free.

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Old 10-18-2022, 07:51 AM
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Theres a lot to turn off in Win 10, and once you do it, things improve.
Just do some simple searches like "things to turn off in Win10"

Many recommend stopping Win updates completely, or at least pausing for a few days.
and then carefully reviewing what is to be installed.

If your system can handle Win11, that is one thing that Win10 will start pushing.
In fact, it attempts to install without your permission.
Its easily stopped, but it requires editing the registry.
Once again, do a search and follow the instructions carefully (its not that difficult).

I've been using Open Office for years now, and it works fine.

Edge is okay once its completely updated...I don't use it, but I have to have it at the ready since some programs use it by default.
CorelDraw, for example, stays connected to their server via Edge.
In fact, it must be working to install and update the program.
Like I said, just let Windows keep it updated (security wise).

One thing I find annoying with Win 10, are a number of options/personalizations that are available to you/the user, and yet, don't work!

Trying to turn off the Lock Screen - WIndows Log-In - Hello PIN is one of those things.
Its a built in option that just wont work.
There are all kinds of solutions online, but none seem to work.
I've searched and tried them all.
Why, if I am the only user of my computer, and its not in a public location, can't I use it without having to "log in/sign in"???
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Old 01-31-2023, 12:53 AM
mukinurmorad mukinurmorad is offline
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I know how frustrating it can be to deal with Windows issues, but I'm glad to hear that you were able to find a solution for the Win 11 upgrade. That's a good reason to be cautious about upgrades and ensure you're aware of any potential issues before proceeding.
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Old 04-07-2023, 04:55 AM
mukinurmorad mukinurmorad is offline
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I completely understand why you wouldn't want to upgrade to Windows 11. I've also heard mixed reviews about it. It's good to know that you found a method to stop the upgrade attempt and remove the nag icon in your lower right task bar. It's always frustrating when those kinds of things keep popping up. By the way, speaking of Windows activation, I actually got my "probable scam site removed" from a well known store. It was a pretty easy process and it's made my life a lot easier since I don't have to deal with any activation issues.

Last edited by Texman; 04-07-2023 at 06:38 AM. Reason: URL removal
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Old 04-07-2023, 08:08 AM
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Bit of an old thread, but I thought it might be fun to update...

been using Win 10 for at least a year now (I can't remember to be honest)
and other than a few quirks, the experience has been better than I was worried about.

Win 10, for the most part, is more stable.
And the Security (Win Defender) is a much better option.

yes, I have stayed away from Win 11...turned off the annoying upgrade pushes.
However the system still wants you to try the upgrade.
Keeps telling me my system is Win 11 capable!
But until I hear better things, I have no interest.

I'm having some issues this past week with a Win 10 update that is corrupting my system drive (C).
I use an SSD (solid state drive) for my main operating system drive
Luckily I have a second SSD that has a clone copy of the C drive on it at all times.

When I could not resolve the corruption after a normal Win update, I was forced to revert to my clone drive.
If you keep a backup updated regularly, you will lose only minor stuff when you swap.
The longer you go between backups, the more you might lose if you ever have to use the backup.

Anyway, I immediately recloned my swapped out drive, and tried the update again.
And it corrupted my drive again (confirming the problem is with the update itself).

As it happens, this all began at the same time I was attempting (again) to turn off the required Windows log in screen (the "Hello PIN").
Since this is a single desktop with one user, why do I need to log in every time?

I discovered one of the reasons some Windows features can't be has to do with 'Local' account versus Windows Administrator accounts.
When you first set up your Win 10 system, you are asked to nominate yourself as Administrator or not.
In a multi desktop / single server setup, this is important, so that everyone has their own setup and can't control the entire group of computers.
A single desktop operated by a single user, can be set to be a Local account and have all the necessary options including the individual personalized settings...
like not having to log on to the system with a password or PIN.

You can change to a Local account fairly easily, and vice versa.
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Old 04-07-2023, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by mukinurmorad View Post
By the way, speaking of Windows activation, I actually got my "probable scam site removed" from a well known store.

Sorry, not sure what site/store you are referring to, or what your 'activation' issues were.
Feel free, or not, to elaborate.
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Old 10-13-2023, 04:53 AM
JimMark JimMark is offline
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Regarding your first concern about upgrading to Windows 11, I understand your hesitation. It's always a good idea to be cautious when it comes to major updates. While some people have had positive experiences with Windows 11, others have encountered issues. It's great that you found a method to stop the upgrade through the Microsoft Community Forums. That's a smart move to avoid any potential problems. Now, for your second issue with the sign-in step, I totally get how annoying it can be, especially when you're the only one using your computer. Thankfully, there's a way to disable the sign-in requirement. You can try going into the User Account controls and unchecking the sign-in option there. This should save you some time and frustration.
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