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Old 03-06-2011, 08:43 AM
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Polish - English Translations

Not sure if this has been posted...

Can't remember who first passed this along to me
(someone sent me a printed copy of this)

but to help with all those Maly Models (and other Polish based instructions)

this is a Polish to English Text Dictionary (as applies to card Model instructions)
from the website HERE





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Old 03-06-2011, 08:44 AM
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aby in order to, in order that, only to, to, that
aerodynamiecznego aerodynamics, aerodynamically
albo or, else
armata cannon, gun
badz at any rate, either, or
bardzo very, very much, a great deal
bedzie at any rate, either, or
bez without
boczna lateral, side
boczny lateral, side
bok side, flank
boku side, flank
bombenie bomb
bombowego bomb
bombowej bomb
bomby bomb
brzechwa ogonowa tail fin
budowa construction, structure, framework
budowany construction, structure, framework
budowie make, build, setup
budowy component
byc be, exist, live
byl in order to, so as to
byly former, one time, old
cala as a whole
calego the wholw length
calej completely, totally
calosc whole, complete body
calose totally, entirely
caly whole, all, entire
celownikiem gun sight
charakterystycznym characteristic
ciezar weight
cz parts
czarno blackly, in black
czesc part, section, piece
czesci part, section, place
czesci parts
czesciach honor, respect
czesciami piece meal
czola to work hard
czynnoscia function, activity
daje siezes, gives
dalsze further, later, outlying, another
danej moreover, further off, later, further back
danych in question, spared, given
decyd decide, resolve
decydujemy decide, resolve
dla for, to, towards
dlugo long before, a long time, a long way
dlugosci length
dluz longer
do to, into, up, till
dobrze rightly, properly
dokladne accurate, exact, precise
dokleic glue to, stick on
doklejamy assemble/glue to
dopasowanie fit, adapt, adjust, match
dopasowaniu fir, adapt, adjust, match
dopiero only, just, barely, hardly, not till
dosyc enough, plenty, sufficient
dotyczy regards, affects, bears
dotyczyc concern, relate, regard, refer
drewna piece of wood
drewno piece of wood, timber, log
drobne small change
drobny small, tiny, trivial, slight
drobnych small, tiny, trivial, slight
drobnym small, tiny, trivial, slight
drut wire
drutow wire
drutu wire
duzy big, large, great, fair-sized
dwoch of two kinds
dysze nozzle, blast pipe, snout
dzialo cannon, gun
dziob statku prow, bow
dzwigara struts
elemencie component
element component
elementach component
elementarny fundimental, primary
elementem component
elementow component
elementow component
elementy component
etap stage of development, halting place
etapem stage of development
etapie at this stage
ewentualnie if need be, possibly
ewentualny possible, eventual, potential
folia foil
formujemy mold, shape
fotelami pilot seat
fotelem pilot seat
fragmenty fragment, scrap
gdyz for, because
gdzie elsewhere, somewhere else
glebokosci depth, profundity, keenness
glowne principal, main
glownego main, predominant
go him
golen podwozia undercarriage leg
goleni shave
gora top
gore uphill, to rise, to climb
gorna upper, upside
gorny upper
grubosci thickness, size
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Old 03-06-2011, 08:44 AM
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hak hook, clamp, clasp
hamulca restraint, brake
i and, also, too
ich there in, there on, this, it, them, thiers
identycznie identical, similar
inne other, different, another
inny other, different, another
jak how, as, if, then
jakie what, which
jako as, by way of
jednak however, yet, still, but, after all, though
jednakowy even, equal, alike
jednoczesnie simultaneously, also
jego thereof, its, his, him, of its, hisself
jest is, is not
jezeli if
kabina pilota cockpit
kabiny cockpit
kadlub fuselage, framework, hull
kadluba fuselage, framework, hull
karton cardboard
kat corner, angle
katem at an angle
katy corner, angle
kawal piece
kawalek bit, morsel, scrap, chunk
kawalka piece, piles, sheets, scraps, bits
kazdej each, respective
kazdy every, each, respective, any
kazdym every, each, respective, any
kierunku direction, course, set
kilka a few, some
kleic glue
klej glue, gluing, cement
klejem glue, gluing, cement
klejenia glue, gluing, cement
kleju glue, gluing, cement
klock block, chunck
klocka block, chunck
kokpit cockpit
kola to knock, to bang, to rattle
kolejno one after the other, in turns, by turn
kolejnosci sequence, order
kolejny next, successive, following
kolejnych next, successive, serial
kolka ring(let)
kolo wheel
komora chamber
komory buckets
komorze chamber
koncowka skrzydla wing tip
konstrukeji construction
korzystamy to profit, to take advantage
kotwica anchor
krawedz edge
krawedzi edge, ribs
krawedzie edge, margin, border
krzywizny curve
ksztalt form, shape, configuration, figure
ksztaltem form, shape
ktora which
ktore which, any, whichever
ktory any, whichever
ktory any, whichever
ktorych on whuch, any, whichever
ktorym on which
kwadratowej square
l. (abbr) left
laczenia union, junction, merger, splice
ladowania to land, to alight
lakier varnish
lakierem varnish
latwiejszy eaiser
lepszego better, improved
lepszy better, improved
lewa left
liczba number, figure, integer, class
liczbie numerical, numerically
linia fine line
liniach ruler, line
linie to draw a line
linii in a straight line
listewki trim, slats, cleats
litera letter
lotka aileron
lotniczych air plane, air base, air
lub or
lufa dziala gun barrel
luku hold
luzno loose, unconnectly, loosely
luzny loose
maksymalna maximum, top, peak-most
maszt mast
maszyna engine
materialow material
mechanizm mechanism, gear, device
mechanizmu mechanism, gear, device
metalowe metallic
metalowy metallic
metoda method
mial dust, powder
miedzy between, amoung
miejsce place, location, spot
miejscu place, location, spot
miekki soft, supple
miekkiego soft, limp
mocna strong
mocnego strong
mocno tight, firm, strong
mocny strong
mocowania fastening, clamping, steadying
mocujemy mount
model model
modelina model
modelu model
montaz assembling
montazowy assembly
montazu assembling
montowac install, put together
montowanym assemble, put together
moze perhaps, maybe
mozemy perhaps, maybe
mozna it is possible, one may, one can
musi to have to, to be compelled to, to be forced
musimy shall, must
musza shall, must
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Old 03-06-2011, 08:45 AM
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na on, for, by
nadbudowa superstructure
nadbudowka superstructure
nadmiar excess
najlepszym best possible
najpierw first of all, in the first place, at first
najwieksze bigest, largest, extreme
naklejamy glue
nalezy rightful, proper
narysowanych to draw, to trace, to give a picture
nasada skrzydla wing root
nastepna next, succeeding
nastepnie next, then, subsiquently, succeeding, sequential
nastepnych next, following
nastepnym next, the next, the following
nastepujace the succesive, the following, the next
nic none, nill, nothing
nic thread
nicktorych nothing, it does not matter
nie no, not
niektore some
niektory some
niektorych now and then
nieruchomej moveably
nieruchomy motionless, without motion
niewielkim small, little, unimportant
niezaleznie independent, self contained, self sufficient
nosa nose
o of, for, at, by, about
obciazenie load, weight
obciazeniem burdened, weighed
obcinac cut off, clip, crop
obcinamy cut off, clip, crop
obie both of, the pair of
obracac turn over, rotate, crank
obracaja turn over, rotate
obracajacym turn over, rotate
obracal turn over, rotate
obracaly revolving, rotating, swevel
obracanym rotation
obrotowe by rotary motion
obrotowy rotary, revolving
obrotowych rotary, revolving
obrotu rotary, revolving
obrys contour
obwodowy circumfrential
obwodzie circumfrence
obydwa both
obydwaj both
od from, for, with
odblask reflection of light, gleam
odblaskosa gleam, light reflection
odchylenia deviation, declination, variation
odciac withdraw, retract, pull away
odcinac cut off, sever
odcinanym cut off, sever
odnosnie conserning, in comparison
odpowiadac answer to, correspond to
odpowiadaly answer to, correspond to
odpowiedni respective, suitable, specific
odpowiednich adequate preperation
odpowiednie suitable, proper, properly fitting
odpowiedniego suitable, proper, properly fitting
odpowiedniej belong
odpowiednim respective, suitable
odpowiednio properly, appropriately
ogolne in general, generally
ogolnych generally, general, universal
ogolych general, universal
ograniczenia limited
oklejamy glue
okolo near, about, more or less, on
oparta built, based on progress of, based
oparty leaning, resting, reclining
opis description
opisem description, to describe
opisie description, to describe
oporem with difficulty
oporow resisting, resistance
opracowany work up, elaborate, compile, wrought
oprocz except, apart
oraz as well as
oslona guard, protection
oslona kabiny cockpit canopy
oslony barriers, wings, covers
ostatecznie finally, after all, at last
ostatni last, late, end, closing
ostatnia last, late, end, closing
ostroznie careful, cautious
otwarta open, opening
otwartej open
otwarty open
otwor opening, piece
otworow opening, hole
otworow opening, hole
otwory opening, hole
owiewka faring
owiewka faring
owiewke faring
owiewki faring
ozanczaja signify, denote
oznacza signify, denote
oznaczac signify, denote
oznaczenie signify, denote
oznaczone signify, denote
oznaczonych denoted, lettered
p. (abbr) right
papier paper
papierze paper
partz parts
paski bars, belts, bands
pasowania to adjust, to paint
pelnego full, fill
pewny sure, secure
pierwszej first, at first
pionowy vertical, upright, plumb
planu plan
plaska flat
plaski flat
plat slice, lobe, cut
plat aerofoil
plata slice, cut, lobe
platy lobes, joints
po after, next, about
pod under
podane application
podklejeniu to paste, reenforce with paper
podobny similar, like
podstawa base, basis, rest, footing, mount
podstawic substitute, put under, push to
podstawie substitute, put under, push to
podwojnych double
podwozia undercarriage, chassis
podwozie undercarriage
podwoziem undercarriage, landing gear
podzespol podwozia undercarriage
pokazuja display, displaying
poklad deck
pokladowka deck house
pokrycie cover
pokrywa lid
pokrywac cover
pokrywe lid
pokrywy envelopes
pol one half
pola field, area
polaczeniu connection, linkage, contact
pole area, pole
polmilimetrowe one half milimeter
polozenie position, situation, site
pomalowanie to paint, to color
pomoca to help, assist, save
poszczegolny individual
poszczegolnych individual, several, respective
poszycia to plate, to skin
poszycie to thatch, to plate, skin
poszyciem to plate, to skin
powierzchni surface, plane, area
powietrza air
powinna should be made
poziome level
poziomego level, plumb line
poziomu leveling
pozniej later on, afterwards
pozostale other
pozostale other
pozycja position, item, place
pozycji position, item, place
pracochlonne labor-consuming
pracochlonnych labor-consuming
prawa right
prawidlowego regular, correct, proper
problemow problem
profilujemy formed into shape
prosta straight, right, upright
prostej upright, straight, plumb
prosto straight, right, upright
prosty straight, direct, simple
przecinac cut
przed before, previous to
przednie leading, front, forward
przedniego front, foremost, headmost
przednim front, leading, high-quality
przeglad review, inspection
przegladzie review, revisions
przestrzegamy caution
przestrzeni caution, within the range of
przestrzenie caution, warning
przesuwac move, shift, shove, transfer
przesuwamy moved, displaced
przez across, through, on the other side
przezroczyste transparent
przod front, ahead
przodu front, ahead
przy at, close
przycinamy cut off, shorten, trim, clip
przydatny usefull, helpfull
przykleic glue, attach
przyklejamy glue, attach
przyklejania glue, attach
przyklejaniu glue, attach
przylaczyc attach
przylegac fit, adhere, continious
przylegania fit, adhere, continious
pylony pylons
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Old 03-06-2011, 08:46 AM
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rakiety rockets
razem together
rowek channel, groove
rowniez also, too, likewise, as well
rownolegle parallel to
rozpietosc span, spread, range, stretch
rozsuwac draw apart, spread, seperate
rozsuwamy draw apart, spread, seperate
rozwiazaniem solution, execution
ruchomej move, moving, flexible
ruchomy move, moving, flexible
ruchomymi move, moving, flexable
rufa stern
rurka small pipe
rurki pipe, tube
ruruche pipe, tube
rys. (abbr) diagram, illustration
rysunkow diagram, picture
rzutowalo projecting, projectively
rzutowe projecting, projectively
sa are not, they are, are
sam alone, one-self
same alone, themselves, ourselves, yourselves
samolot aeroplane
samolotu aeroplane
sasiad neighbor
sasiaddujace adjoining, bordering
sasiadujacych adjoining, adjacent, bordering
sciac bulkheads
scianch remove, cut-out
scianka bulkheads
scianke bulkhead
scianke bulkheads
scianki bulkhead
sciernym abrasive
segment segment
segmentow segment
segmentu segment
segmenty segment
sie yourself
silnik engine
silnikow engine
skala scale, extent
skali scale, extent
skleic glue togeather
sklejac glue (verb)
sklejamy glue togeather
sklejamy glue togeather
sklejania glue togeather
sklejeka glue togeather
sklejeniem glue togeather
sklejeniem glue togeather
sklejeniu glue togeather
skrzydel wings
skrzydla wing, wings
skrzydlem wing, wings
skrzydlo wing
sluza serves
sluzy serves
smiglo airplane propeller
soba oneself, ourself
spoine weld, junction, joint
sposob means, way, fashion, method
srednica diameter, bore
srednice diameter, bore
srodek middle, center
srodka middle, center
srodkowy central, middle
sruba napedowa ship propeller
stala constant
stale constant, ongoing
staranne careful, accurate, exact
statecznik poziomy tail plane
ster rudder
stopni ledges, degrees
stos pile, stack
styku contact, but
sucho uninterestingly
symetrii symmetry
symetryczne symmetric, symetrical
szablony stencil, pattern
szczegolna point, detail, in particular
szczegolnie in particular
szczegolnosci peculiarity, singulary
szczegolowe detailed, minute
szczeline slot, crevice, slit
szczeliny slots, crevices
szkieletu framework
szpachla putty knife
szpachlowka filler, putty
szpilka pin
szukacz searchlight
szycie sewing
szyciem sewing
taczenia screen, acreens
tak thus, as, like this, so
taka such
taki such
takze likewise
te those, these, the
tego this, that
tej that
tektura cardboard
tekture cardboard
tektury cardboard
ten this, this one
teraz now
tez also, likewise
to it, this
tradycyjnie traditional
trudniejszy more difficult
trwala duriable, tenacious, persistent, pernament
trwaly duriable
trzeba ought to, one should, it is necessary
twarda hard
twardy hard
tworzyc create, form, make
tych those, these
tylko only, but, just
tylna rear
tym so much better
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Old 03-06-2011, 08:47 AM
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uformowac formed
uformowania formed, formfitting
uformowanie formfitting
ustawiac arrange, place
ustawiamy arrange, setup
usterzenie poziome tail plane
usterzenie wysokosci tail plane
utrzymywac support, contend, keep, hold
uwag attention
uwaga attention
uwaga remarks, comments
uwage remarks, comments
uwagi remarks, comments
uwzglednieniem allowance for, compliance with, regard to
uzbrojenia weapons
uzbrojeniem weapons
uzyskac to receive, to obtain, to get, acquire
uzyskamy obtain
w into, at
w. (abbr) frame, former, rib
wariancie variance
wariant variant
warstwe layers, tiers, coats
wciecie incision, notch, dent, indention
we in
wedlug according to
wedziach bit, bits
wewnetrzna inner, internal, inward
wewnetrznych internally, internal, inward
widok view, scene, show, picture
wiekszej bigger, larger, greater
wiekszy bigger, larger, greater
wielkosc size, dimension
wielkose dimensions, quantities, magnitudes
wkladac put in
wkladamy put in
wklejamy paste
wklejenia paste
wloty inlets, inflows
wlozenie put in, put on
wlozyc put in, put on,
wnek niche, recess
wneka niche, recess
wneke niche, recess
wneki niche, recess
wnetrze interior
wowczas then, that time, at the time
wraz together
wreg frame, former, rib
wreg frame, former, rib
wregach frame, former, rib
wregami frame, former, rib
wregi frame, former, rib
wskazuje indicates, hints
wszystek whole
wszystkich of all
wszystkie all
wszystkimi to everybody, to all of them
wtedy then
wycinac cut out
wycinamy cut out
wydech exhaust
wygladzenie apperance
wyjmujemy remove, cut out
wyjmwoac remove, take out
wykonac do, perform
wykonanie execution, realization, workmanship
wykonaniu execution, realization, workmanship
wykonywania perform, exercize, practice
wylot nozzle, exhaust, exit
wylotowe nozzle, exhaust, exit
wymieniac exchange, replace
wymiennego alternatively, exchangabely
wymiennym exchange, replace, measurably
wynosi account for
wynosic carry out, elevate
wypelnienie filler
wyposazenia equipment, outfit
wyschnac dry up
wyschnieciu dry, withered
wystajacy prominent, outstanding
wystawalo protrude
wytrzymalosci endurance, stability, strength
wyznaczac mark out, point out
wyznaczajace mark out, appoint, assign
wzajemne mutual, reciprocal
wzajemnego mutual, reciprocal
wzajemnie mutual, reciprocal
wzajemny mutual, reciprocal
wzdluz along
wzgledem to, towards
wzorow perfect
wzorowy perfect
z with, together
za together, beyond, behind, at
zachowac to set to, save, retain, maintain
zachowanie behavior, maintenance, retention, manners
zachowujemy retains, preserves, maintains
zakrzywiac curve, bend
zamocowac attach, fasten
zamocowania attach, fasten
zamocowanie attach, fasten
zamykac close, shut, conclude
zamykamy close, shut, confine, close quarters
zapoznac aquaint
zasada principle, rule, law
zasade principle, rule, law
zawartosc contents
zawartych contents
zaznaczone asterisked
zaznaczonych stenciled, marked, high lighted
zbiornik skrzydlowy wing tank
ze that, then
ze with, on, by, alone with
zebra ribs
zeszlifowac grind off
zewnetrzna outer
zginac bend
zlozenie assembliage, rendering
znaczonego marked, earmarked
znajdowa'c find, meet, experience
znajdowala find, meet, experience
znajduje finds
znak mark, sign
znakami mark, sign
zostal were, was
zostawic leave, abandon, put aside
zwichrowan unbalanced
zwichrowania unbalanced
zwijac roll up, coil, furl
zwijane roll up, curl, furl
zwracac return, give back, pay attention
zwrocic vacate, return, pay attention to
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Old 03-08-2011, 09:06 AM
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What a great job, it does help solve the instructions of models of Polish origin, thanks.
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Old 03-09-2011, 12:19 AM
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Thanks AirDave, I guess the people at Google Translate and the Polish-English Dictionary I bought just don't use words like frame, engine, barrel, carburetor, fender, etc. So what do they talk about?
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:05 AM
kubeksus kubeksus is offline
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Hi everyone,

If you have a problem with translating a word or a phrase from Polish to English, I can help you with that. Just send me a message.

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Old 03-09-2011, 08:18 AM
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I didn't create the list (you need to thank someone at for that)
I just copied it over here (and divided into some smaller searchable groups) I can't guaranty its accuracy (I don't speak Polish).
But I do see the same words that are in my Model kits.

If they're not in your Dictionary Whulsey, maybe you bought the White Collar edition?
You need to return it and ask for the "Working Man's Edition".

Offers like this, from kubeksus, are well received (thank you!)
but be warned kubeksus...
next, you will receive four pages of instructions and the request "can you translate this?" LOL
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